Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents.

Problem solving, bugs, FAQs and tips

`cf.preconf' bootstrap file

In some cases you will want to run cfengine on a system to configure it from scratch. If the system is in a very bad way, it might not even be able to parse the cfengine configuration file, perhaps because the network was not properly configured or the DNS (Domain Name Service) was out of action. To help prevent this situation, cfengine looks for a script called cf.preconf which gets executed prior to parsing and can be used to perform any emergency tests. This file needs only contain enough to get the system to parse the configuration files.

cf.preconf may be any script in any language. It need not exist at all! It is fed one argument by cfengine, namely the system hard-class for the current system (e.g. ultrix). Here is an example:

# cf.preconf is an emergency/bootstrap file to get things going
# in case cfengine is unable to parse its config file


 # If these files don't exist, you might not be able to parse cfengine.conf

if [ ! -s /etc/resolv.conf ]; then

 echo Patching basics resolv.conf file
 cat > /etc/resolv.conf << XX
domain iu.hioslo.no


# SVR4

if [ "$1" = "solaris" ]; then

  if [ ! -s "/etc/passwd" ]; then
  echo Patching missing passwd file
    /bin/cp $backupdir/passwd /etc/passwd

  if [ ! -s "/etc/shadow" ]; then
   echo Patching missing passwd file
   /bin/cp $backupdir/shadow /etc/shadow

# BSD 4.3
if [ "$1" = "linux" ]; then

   if [ ! -s "/etc/passwd"  ]
    echo Patching missing passwd file
    /bin/cp $backupdir/passwd.linux /etc/passwd

`cfrc' resource file

If, for some reason you are not satisfied with the defaults which cfengine uses, then you can change them by making an entry in the resource file. The default values are defined in the source code file classes.c in the distribution. The format of the resource file is:

hardclass.variable: value

For example, you might want to forget about where your HPUX system mounts its mail directory and mount it under /usr/spool/mail. In this case you would add the line:

hpux.maildir: /usr/spool/mail

To redefine the filesystem table for GNU/linux, you would write:

linux.fstab: /etc/linuxfstab

The full list of re-definable resources is:

   mountcomm       # command used to mount filesystems
   unmountcomm     # command used to unmount filesystems
   ethernet        # name of the ethernet device
   mountopts       # options to above mount command
   fstab           # the name of the filesystemtable
   maildir         # the location of the mail directory
   netstat         # the full path to netstat and options
   pscomm          # the path to the system's ps command
   psopts          # the options used by ps (default aux/ef)

You should never need to redefine resources unless you decide to do something non-standard. Interested readers are referred to the values in classes.c.

Cfengine is easily extensible so as to support a variety of architectures. You can even add your own. To do so you need, first of all, to define a new class for the operating system concerned. The file classes.c has been separated off from the remainder of the source code so that you can easily see which data structures need to be extended.

To make life as straightforward as possible, three unused classes have been defined. They are called (unremarkably) unused1, unused2 and unused3. If you add any further classes, it will be necessary to increase the constant clssattr defined in cf.defs.h by one for every new addition. You do not need to change clssattr if you simple replace one of the unused classes by a real class.

To see fully the impact of what you need to do, you should make a search for the strings unused? in all of the source files. Certain special cases need to be handled for each operating system. For example, the form of the filesystem table is quite radically different on some systems such as AIX. One thing you must do is to fill in the default values for the new operating system in the file classes.c.

If you fill in the details for a new operating system before it finds its way into a new release, you might consider sending the details to the bug list in the next paragraph.

Problems with compilation and installation

Although every effort has been made to make the compilation of cfengine trouble free, you might still encounter some problems where non-standard features are concerned. The differences between systems is still a major headache.

Earlier versions of the GNU/Linux operating system do not have support for some of the facilities which cfengine uses. In particular, the ability to use NIS netgroups is absent from earlier versions. During the installation procedure, the configure script tests for this possibility and advises you if the facility cannot be used. You can still use cfengine in this case but netgroups will not be expanded. Another problem with GNU/Linux concerns a special socket call to the TCP/IP network interface. This is a command which configures the static routing table and appears to be absent from all versions of Linux and newer IRIX versions. There are also problems with NetBSD. These features are undocumented and will be fixed as soon as they have been understood! If you are running in verbose mode a warning message is printed, otherwise cfengine will ignore attempts to set a default route on the system.

A number of users have experienced a problem using flex and bison in place of lex and yacc. There appears to be a bug in one of these programs which causes cfengine to compile correctly but misinterpret its configuration files, generating an error of the form

cfengine:10:action contains invalid statement

for every line! The cure is to collect the latest versions of flex and bison from your nearest GNU site.

On really old systems, the configure program is not able to guess what kind of system you are working on. This is true of SunOS versions 4.0.* and also of BSD 4.3 systems. In such cases, you might be able to compile cfengine by using the autoconf option `host' to specify the host-type.

configure --host=sparc-sun-sunos4.0

Some other systems which will compile if forced are:


On some systems, problems arise when using flex. Flex might generate a lexer file lex.yy.c which defines malloc or some other function to be of a type which conflicts with the system definition. If you obtain such a culture crash, edit the lexer file manually and simply delete the offending definitions, then run make again.

As of version 1.4.0 cfengine tries to link in features based on the Berkeley database library `libdb' and the TCP wrappers library `libwrap'. If you want to use these facilities, you will have to collect them and install them before compiling cfengine. Some problems have been experienced with the linux version of TCP wrappers. If you experience compilation problems, the best thing to do is to edit `src/conf.h' after configuration and remove the line beginning `#define HAVE_LIBWRAP'.

Newer solaris systems have ACLs. The ACL features only matured in version 2.5 of solaris however, and there have been some problems with the partial implementation in 2.4. If you obtain error messages about unknown ACL functions, edit the `config.cache' file in the cfengine root directory and set the value:


If you use the DCE (Distributed computing environment) cfengine will try to compile the ACL extension for DFS. This requires the DCE library to be present on the system on which you are compiling. On some systems it also requires thread libraries to be present. Unfortunately, the autoconf program which generates the Makefiles cannot detect shared libraries, only archive libraries. This means that you need to edit the `config.cache' file to compile in this support. Set the following values:


Finally, although the autoconfiguration program appends the same libraries to each executable, the following libraries are required only by the following programs.

 cfengine   -ldce -lthread -lm
 cfd        -ldb -lpthread

Bug reports and suggestions

If you experience a problem with cfengine, find a bug or have another suggestion which you wish to air, you can send your thoughts to the special mail address bug-cfengine@gnu.org.

Always think a bit before sending a message to the list. This helps to keep down the traffic improves the signal to noise ratio of your thoughts! Try to solve the problem yourself first and look particularly to see whether your system is clean or whether you have installed software or patches which might conflict with cfengine (I can't really imagine how this would happen--but it might). Always be clear about what type of operating system you are running and whether or not it is a complete installation.

Some vendors have begun the practice of distributing systems without key programs like the C compiler, lex and yacc. If you have this problem, you can pick up GNU replacements gcc, flex and bison from any GNU site.

FAQs and Tips

Here is a problem solver: an encyclopaedia of suggestions and uses for cfengine as accumulated over the years. If you have a contribution to make, please send it to help-cfengine@gnu.org. Format your submission like this:

How do I do....
Very well thank-you....

The table below is updated as the tips occur to me, or as others contribute their own. Please note that any focusing on particular operating systems is purely a matter of personal usage/experience and should not be interpreted as a reflection of how many `bugs' these systems may or may not contain.


How can I check to see what cfengine will do without going through the whole program using `-n'?
Run cfengine with options:
  cfengine -p -d3

This just parses the file and dumps the contents of the parser to the output.
Why doesn't cfengine have classes for each hour, instead of just for days?
It does from version 1.3.20 and upward. The hours are denoted in 24 hour clock notation by Hr00---Hr23. Other time classes are also possible @xref{Using cfengine as a front-end for cron,Using cfengine as a front-end for cron,Using cfengine as a front-end for cron,cfengine-Tutorial}.
How can I replace the stupid version of sendmail my vendor ships with my OS with, say, Berkeley sendmail?
First of all, compile your new sendmail in a filesystem which is held separate from the OS, for example `/local/mail'. You can keep all the files under this new file tree. Now you need to replace `/usr/lib/sendmail' with the new version and `/etc/sendmail.cf' or `/etc/mail/sendmail' with the new files, so that the system can find them.
      /usr/lib/sendmail ->! /local/mail/bin/sendmail
      /etc/sendmail.cf  ->! /local/mail/etc/sendmail.cf

How can I prevent big log-files like `/var/adm/wtmpx' and `httpd/access_log' from filling up my partitions?
Add a line to disable the files once a week. That way you still get a chance to look at them, but you keep the size down:


         # Do this to throw away old entries

         /var/adm/wtmpx rotate=truncate

         # Or this to keep the last lot

         /var/adm/wtmpx rotate=1

An alternative to using disable would be to use tidy, but then you lose the file once and for all. Note though, that `wtmpx' gets updated all the time, so an age age=0 is necessary to have any effect at all. Some daemons, like `httpd', lose their ability to write to a log file if you rename and create a new file. The rotate feature in cfengine preserves the open file handle, fixing this problem.
How can I fix exports in cfengine?
This is a complicated matter. There are lots of ways to do it. The key is either to edit the file `/etc/exports' (`/etc/dfs/dfstab' in solaris), or to execute an export (share) command directly from shellcommands. Under Solaris 2 this is quite easy owing to the fact that the file `dfstab' is just a script itself, rather than a configuration file like the old `/etc/exports' file. Since editing is limited and you need to specify a list of hosts which might change in time, one of the following is probably the best bet:


      "/usr/sbin/share -F nfs -o rw=netgroup /var/mail"

On non-solaris systems:

   { /etc/exports

   AppendIfNoSuchLine "/site/host/fs -access=netgroup"

How can I distribute key setup files to users and keep them up to date?
The copy facility will distribute to all users if you use the home directive. For instance, to copy a basic `.cshrc' file or `.xsession', you could write

   /local/masterfiles/.cshrc     dest=home/.cshrc
   /local/masterfiles/.xsession  dest=home/.xsession

Some users set up their own IRC listen services called "eggdrop" which fill up the disk with all kinds of garbage. How can I kill all these processes?

  # Most users

  "eggdrop"  signal=kill

  # One wise-guy has renamed the daemon!

  ".*wiseguy.*myegg.*"  signal=kill

My license server keeps crashing! How can I check that it's ok?

  # BSD - often need long descriptive lines
  #       to find this daemon

  SetOptionString "-ax"

  # Exactly one should be running

  "lmgrd" matches=1

I want to use cfengine to keep DNS tables up to date, using editfiles. How can I make cfengine automatically restart the name server after the edits?
This can be done in two ways. Probably, you need to update a serial number as well as restarting the daemon. You might use a Makefile to simplify this.

  actionsequence = ( editfiles control )

           named = ( /usr/sbin/in.named)
           named = ( /usr/sbin/named )
           named = ( /usr/etc/named )


 # edit files here


   # If you use make to sort out the details

  "/local/gnu/bin/make -f /local/named/Makefile > /dev/null"

Or if you need to explicitly restart the name daemon, you could supplement the above with an explicit restart command (this means you lose the cache),

  "named" signal=kill restart "$(named)"

How can I edit all users' login files?
You can use the 'home' pseudo-variable to iterate over all users' homedirectories:

    { home/.cshrc

    # Local fixes

    AppendIfNoSuchLine "alias lp  special-print-command"

    # Security

    DeleteLinesMatching "xhost +"

How can I kill all processes except for root processes?
The following regular expression matches lines which do not contain the string root:

 "\(root\)\{0\}"  signal=term # or kill

How can I make cfengine distribute my `/etc/motd' file?
You will need a master file which contains the text you want to put on your servers. Let us define a variable `masterfile' which contains this. This master file needs to be available on all hosts on a common NFS filesystem, for instance. (This will change when remote copying is implemented in cfengine.) Now you can do something like the following script. Note that we define a version number for motd which just prevents cfengine from editing the file every single time. You have to change this version number yourself in the config file to force an update. If you don't care about this, just leave out the Begin..End parentheses.

masterfile = ( /usr/local/admin/motd-master )



     { /etc/motd

     BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(masterfile)"
       InsertFile "$(masterfile)"
       PrependIfNoSuchLine "This system is running $(class):$(arch)"
       AppendIfNoSuchLine "$(motd_version)"

Note that, if you want special messages added just for, say, linux, then you can single out linux using a special class, or add a special edit after this one. Note, if you want to keep the first kernel line in this file, you can change this to:


   { /etc/motd

   BeginGroupIfFileIsNewer "$(masterfile)"
     IncrementPointer "1"
     DeleteLinesAfterThisMatching ".*"
     InsertFile "$(masterfile)"
     AppendIfNoSuchLine "$(motd_version)"

bug-cfengine exchange: (Reply courtesy of David Masterson).
I like cfengine a lot and it helps me very much, but I am a little concerned about security. I'm using cfengine to keep some files like /etc/hosts /etc/printcap /etc/mount etc. up to date. So cfengine is started by root in a cron job and reads its cfengine.conf file and all the other information from a filesystem which is common to all the systems. If now somebody manage to alter the cfengine.conf file he can do everything he wants. Wouldn't it be a good idea to make the cfengine.conf file something like a pgp signed messages, so that cfengine can test if this file was created by the right person? Or are there other tips to make it more secure? I'm not sure, but I think you're over-reacting or you need to be more specific about where you think the holes are in Cfengine's security. If you follow the tips of any standard systems administrator using cfengine or not, there should be few issues concerning security (ie. if security broke, there would be little chance that cfengine could do anything about it anyway). Ask yourself some of the standard questions with respect to security on UNIX: If you're still worried about the security of your script (be it a cfengine script or not), you could always adjust your cron script to "decrypt" the script file before executing it (see crypt(1)). Personally, I think if you've set the permissions on your script files properly, then, if someone breaks into those scripts, they've already broken into your system to a point where they could do what they wanted anyway.
How can I distribute password files in cfengine, but keep certain passwords different on some machines, like I can with NIS?
If you keep a file with special local passwords, you can override the password file using editfiles. First you use copy to get the distributed file, then you edit the file like this:

    { /etc/passwd

    SplitOn ":"

    ForEachLineIn "/usr/local/etc/passwd.local"

       ReplaceLinesMatchingField "1"


This means, if the first field of each line in the files matches in both files (and both files have the same column format) then replace the line in `/etc/passwd' with the line from `/usr/local/etc/passwd.local'.
How can I add entries to a list, like in the fiel `/etc/group'?
Okay, suppose you wanted to make sure that a special user was in the group `adm', you would use a construction like this:

      person = ( new-user )


   { /etc/group

   BeginGroupIfNoLineMatching "adm.*$(person).*"
     LocateLineMatching "adm.*"
     AppendToLineIfNotContains ",$(person)"

How can I take backups with cfengine?
If you have a spare disk partition, you could make a mirror of the most important files. You would use something like this:

      excludecopy = ( *.mp3 *.o *.dvi *.ps *.zip *tar* *.lnk
                       core a.out *.au *.wav .* *.exe *.tgz )



     /site/host/home dest=/site/host/backup2/u1 r=inf size=<4mb backup=false action=silent

for each partition you want to back up.
I am using SAMBA and have windows file system data on my unix machine. When I try to make a backup by remote copying files, cfengine goes into a recursive loop when it meets short cuts.
Short cuts do not seem to respect the unix file protocols. They look like directories to cfengine and this causes it problems since they do not parse like directories. Add *.lnk to the list of files to be excluded during the copy.
Is it possible to force shellcommands to change its working directory? separating the commands with ";" seems to be not possible. shellscripts should not be used for this purpose.
(By Rolf Ebert, ebert@pe-muc.de ) I, too, have the need to pass variables to shellcommands and the shellcommands must be executed in a given directory. Here is how most of my shellcommands look like:
      # generate MMC configs
       '$(shell) "PUBLIC=$(public); export PUBLIC; cd $(public)/mmc/config; ./blinksrv.x.cfm.in > blinksrv.x.cfm"'
$(shell) is defined as '/bin/sh -c'. The actual script to be executed is `blinksrv.x.cfm.in' which is located in `$(public)/mmc/config'. It generates a file in the same directory. As an input parameter the script needs the environment variable `PUBLIC'.
Q: Using cfengine with the AFS.
We use AFS, therefore our directory structures look like this: `/afs/btv.ibm.com/system/current/rs_aix43/...' and so on. I want to build a cf file that can pull what AFS calls the "sysname" into the equation so I can have one cf file that can get data from the proper rs_aix directory depending on what level of AIX, or SUN for that matter, it happens to run on. If I use cfengine's class structure I would have to have a cf file for each AIX/SUN level rather than one that can handle them all. That is why I want exec to work. Can anyone offer an answer to this type of scenario?
A: Courtesy of Jeff Blaine
We reference @sys all the time in our cfengine files. It expands to the current machine's AFS sysname on the fly. It's part of AFS, use it!
  # ... stuff deleted ...
  rcf_repos = ( /afs/whatever/our_admin_area/config )
  # ... stuff deleted ...


  # ... stuff deleted ...
  #  SunOS 4 and IRIX automountd startup file to define /net -hosts
      $(rcf_repos)/@sys/etc/auto.master dest=/etc/auto.master mode=444 \
owner=root group=1 type=checksum
  # ... stuff deleted ...


Hints about AIX?
Send then to bug-cfengine@gnu.org.
Q: I get the error
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .pthread_sigmask
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .pthread_mutex_init
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .pthread_mutex_lock
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .pthread_mutex_unlock
on AIX 4.2
Only AIX 4.3 supports POSIX threads fully. You should compile without thread support.
One of our Sysadmins has noted a limitation with line length under AIX. I'm not sure how easy it is to fix but it might be worth noting it somewhere in the cfengine docs. It appears that on the AIX machines the maximum line length we can use for cfengine files is defined by the constant YYLMAX which is set to be 200. On the Suns this constant is set to be the same as BUFSIZ which is currently set to be 1024. This manifested itself by very unusual behavior as cfengine variables began to be overwritten when line lengths in the config file exceeded 200 bytes. Peter can attest to this. Be forewarned "keep line lengths in cfengine less than 200 if you want them to work on AIX machines" Moral of the story "AIX users beware" Do you think we could just recompile cfengine and use larger buffer sizes all over, I don't know if this constant is all that should be tweaked or if it is somehow tied into the lexx implementation also, since lexx is used to create the parser for the config files.
This is a problem with lex and yacc, not with cfengine. The variable BUFSIZ is a system quantity, not related to cfengine's internal variable bufsize. I would recommend getting bison and flex and doing away with the old lex and yacc from the system. Michael Lachowski reports that this is also a problem with HPUX 10's lex/yacc.


The following error occurs while compiling:
% ./configure
loading cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... i386-pc-bsdi3.1
checking target system type... i386-pc-bsdi3.1
checking build system type... i386-pc-bsdi3.1
expr: syntax error, last argument was `'
test: syntax error: Undefined error: 0
expr: syntax error, last argument was `'
test: syntax error: Undefined error: 0
expr: syntax error, last argument was `'
test: syntax error: Undefined error: 0
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... (cached) yes
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no

  To correct this for BSDI I replaced the following script fragment from

# Add to the default list of places in LDFLAGS to compensate for
# ... the configure default value of LIBS on some systems
for x in /usr/local/gnu/lib /usr/local/gnulib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib /lib
  if test -d "$x"; then
    y=`expr match "$LDFLAGS" ".*-L$x"`
    if test $y -eq 0; then

# Add to the default list of places in CPPFLAGS to match LDFLAGS above
for x in /usr/include /usr/local/gnu/include /usr/local/include
  if test -d "$x"; then
    y=`expr match "$CPPFLAGS" ".*-I$x"`
    if test $y -eq 0; then

   With this script fragment, which successfully executed:


# Add to the default list of places in LDFLAGS to compensate for
# ... the configure default value of LIBS on some systems
for x in /usr/local/gnu/lib /usr/local/gnulib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib /lib
  if test -d "$x"; then
    case $LDFLAGS in
# Add to the default list of places in CPPFLAGS to match LDFLAGS above
for x in /usr/include /usr/local/gnu/include /usr/local/include
  if test -d "$x"; then
    case $CPPFLAGS in

   I have not completed compiling, installing, testing yet, but presume I
should be fine from here. Thanks for the help.

    Jeff Reed
    Berkeley Software Design, Inc.


Problems with line length in lex/yacc.
See the FAQ for AIX.
What is the difference between the classes `hpux' and `hpux10'?
In version 10 of HPUX, the file structure is reorganized to look more like SVR4. If you have an HPUX-10 system, the appropriate hardclass is hpux10 rather than hpux.
I set up the new sendmail but the configuration file doesn't work.
There could be a frozen configuration file around. Try:


Why don't groups work in HPUX?
HPUX uses the file `/etc/logingroup' not `/etc/group'. Make a link if you need to:


     /etc/logingroup -> /etc/group

To encourage some cross-fertilization, here's a sanitized sendmail configuration script that I created for HPUX and HPUX10. (From David Masterson, posted to gnu.cfengine.help). David's script is nice since sendmail was the inspiration for cfengine's name.
#!/usr/local/bin/cfengine -f
# File:		sendmail.conf
# Description: 	CFEngine script to setup the sendmail.cf.


	access = ( root )

#	Postmaster
	sysadm = ( myPostmaster )

#	NIS domain and group server
	site = ( myserver )

#	DNS domain
	domain = ( myDNSdomain )

#	our gateway host
	gtwyhost = ( mygateway )

#	sendmail.cf can be big
	editfilesize = ( 1000000 )

	actionsequence =

#	disable unwanted classes with "--undefine" option
	addclasses = ( maildom mailhst )

#	bindir - location of sendmail
#	libdir - location of current mail files
#	cfgdir - location of initial mail files
#	etcdir - location of hosts.smtp
#	own    - who should own result files
#	grp    - what group should result files be in
	bindir = ( /usr/lib )
	libdir = ( /usr/lib )
	cfgdir = ( /etc/newconfig )
	etcdir = ( /etc )
	own = ( root )
	grp = ( sys )

	bindir = ( /usr/sbin )
	libdir = ( /etc/mail )
	cfgdir = ( /usr/newconfig/etc/mail )
	etcdir = ( /etc )
	own = ( root )
	grp = ( sys )

#	disable with "--no-copy" option

	$(cfgdir)/sendmail.cf dest=$(libdir)/sendmail.cf type=checksum
		mode=0644 owner=$(own) group=$(grp) force=true

#	checks for other important files

	$(libdir)/aliases mode=444 owner=$(own) group=$(grp) action=touch
	$(libdir)/rev-aliases mode=444 owner=$(own) group=$(grp) action=touch
	$(etcdir)/hosts.smtp mode=444 owner=$(own) group=$(grp) action=touch

#	disable with "--no-edit" option


#	setup general part of sendmail.cf
	{ $(libdir)/sendmail.cf

	SetCommentStart '#'
	SetCommentEnd ''
	ResetSearch "1"
	UnCommentLinesMatching "#OP.*"	# activate Postmaster
	ResetSearch "1"
	UnCommentLinesMatching "#DY.*"
	ResetSearch "1"
	LocateLineMatching "DY.*"
	ReplaceLineWith "DY$(site).$(domain)"	# set site hiding
	ResetSearch "1"
	UnCommentLinesMatching "#DS.*"
	ResetSearch "1"
	LocateLineMatching "DS.*"
	ReplaceLineWith "DS$(gtwyhost)"	# all-knowing SMTP host
	# Ruleset 0 setups
	ResetSearch "1"
	UnCommentLinesMatching "#R.*user@domain to SMTP relay.*"
	ResetSearch "1"
	LocateLineMatching "# try to connect to any host for user@domain"
	IncrementPointer "1"
	CommentNLines "1"

#	add Postmaster alias
	{ $(libdir)/aliases

	SetLine "Postmaster: $(sysadm)"
	AppendIfNoLineMatching "Postmaster.*"

#	setup processing of local domain hosts

	{ $(libdir)/sendmail.cf

	SetCommentStart '#'
	SetCommentEnd ''
	ResetSearch "1"
	LocateLineMatching "DL.*"
	ReplaceLineWith "DL$(domain)"
	# Ruleset 0 setups
	ResetSearch "1"
	LocateLineMatching "# connect to hosts in local domain"
	IncrementPointer "1"
	UnCommentNLines "1"

#	setup processing via class S

	{ $(libdir)/sendmail.cf

	SetCommentStart '#'
	SetCommentEnd ''
	ResetSearch "1"
	UnCommentLinesMatching "#FS.*"
	# Ruleset 0 setups
	ResetSearch "1"
	LocateLineMatching "# connect to hosts in class S"
	IncrementPointer "1"
	UnCommentNLines "1"

#	setup of list of hosts for class S
	{ $(etcdir)/hosts.smtp

	Append "localhost1"
	Append "localhost2"

#	disable with "--no-commands" option

	"$(bindir)/sendmail -bk"
	"$(bindir)/sendmail -bi"
	"$(bindir)/sendmail -bz"
	"$(bindir)/sendmail -bd"

# End of File


Hints about IRIX?
Send them to bug-cfengine@gnu.org.


When I try to compile cfd I get this error
 /usr/lib/libwrap.a(options.o): In function `twist_option':
 options.o(.text+0x5f7): undefined reference to `deny_severity'
 /usr/lib/libwrap.a(options.o): In function `severity_option':
 options.o(.text+0x808): undefined reference to `deny_severity'
 options.o(.text+0x81c): undefined reference to `deny_severity'
 options.o(.text+0x821): undefined reference to `deny_severity'
 options.o(.text+0x826): undefined reference to `deny_severity'
 options.o(.text+0x82b): undefined reference to `allow_severity'
 make[1]: *** [cfd] Error 1

There seems to be a problem with the distributed version of the TCP wrappers library. Edit the `src/conf.h' file and comment out the `#define HAVE_LIBWRAP 1' line. This means that you will not be able to use TCP wrappers security however. You might prefer to collect and compile a new version of TCP wrappers.
Linux insists on rebuilding the message of the day file each time it boots, but that means I keep losing the messages I leave there.
Add the following to your configuration files to comment out the offending lines in the startup scripts:


    { /etc/rc.d/rc.S
    HashCommentLinesContaining "motd"


Hints about OSF/1?
Send them to bug-cfengine@gnu.org.

SUNOS (4.1.*)

How can I delete the `+' sign from the `/etc/hosts.equiv' file to improve security?
Use editfiles to delete it:


      { /etc/hosts.equiv

      DeleteLinesMatching "+"


I keep getting a `bad address' error when cfengine tries to reset the netmask and broadcast address.
This is a bug in the sockets library on solaris. It is supposed to be fixed in solaris 2.5.
How can I add my own file `rc.local' to the startup bootfiles automatically?
For example, create a file called `/local/etc/rc.local' which looks something like this:
# rc.local 
PATH=/local/gnu/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin; export PATH


if [ "`hostname`" = "net-server" ]; then

   echo Starting WWW server
   /local/httpd_1.4/httpd -d /local/httpd_1.4

   echo Starting GNU finger server


echo Starting ypbind

echo Adding a default route and flushing table

route -f add default my-gateway 1

echo Starting xdm


Now add an entry to your `cfengine.conf' file like this
      { /etc/rc3.d/S99rc-local
      AppendIfNoSuchLine "exec sh /local/etc/rc.local"

The solaris installation program creates `/tmp' without the sticky bit set, so that any user can delete any files in `/tmp'. It also means that a race condition can occur in the kernel which can give away root access to any user!
Add the following line to the configuration immediately!

   /tmp mode=1777 action=fixdirs

The ftp program will not allow me to log in to my own account!
The problem is that your shell is not in the system file `/etc/shells'. Add a line something like this:

   { /etc/shells

   AppendIfNoSuchLine "/local/bin/tcsh"

tcsh prints an error message on startup and will not read my `.cshrc' file.
The problem is the central login file distributed with solaris. `tcsh' can't understand it. Add a line

    /etc/.login type=file

You might want to replace this with a link to your own file.
Why does solaris fill up the routing table with hundreds of addresses under the loop-back interface? (see netstat -r)
First of all, get the latest patches for solaris, there are bugs in the kernel of solaris 2.4 which makes this worse. Second, make sure you have a file `/etc/defaultrouter' with the IP address of your local gateway, if you don't intend to run your system as a router. For instance:


     /etc/defaultrouter o=root g=other m=644 act=touch



      { /etc/defaultrouter

      AppendIfNoSuchLine "xxx.xxx.xxx.1"

where xxx.xxx.xxx.1 is the IP address of your gateway.
When trying to boot the system, solaris fails with the error message: fork: rescource temporarily unavailable/vfork failed. The system then claims that there is something wrong with one of the file systems.
The file `/etc/system' has probably been corrupted. If this file does not exist, solaris establish the kernel properly and will not fork any processes. Things usually die early on in the boot process. This causes the side effect that the first fork the system needs to perform (to check the disk file systems) fails and misinterprets the reason for failure of the command. This makes it look as though something is wrong with the disks. Add a line:

   /etc/system o=root g=root m=0644 action=touch

I am currently involved with setting up machines with jumpstart. Jumpstart as you may know allows handsfree installation of solaris. One of the things it allows you to do is specify a "finish" script. I am running cfengine from this script to do the bulk of the configuration. During jumpstart, the root of the machine you are installing is actually under "/a". This leads to problems with cfengine with LOCKFILEDIR and LOGFILEDIR at the very least. It would cause problems with all assumptions cfengine makes about system files too. What would be execeedingly nice would be a command line option to redefine where root is assumed to be. I realize this would be pretty hairy with respect to mounting through cfengine, but it would be very useful. For file editing and such a root prefix macro woudlprobably work ok. Let me know what you think.
Define the filenames
and set $(root) to "" or "/a" depending on context? That way you could the above without screwing up other things which might be needed. You can switch off the locks with -K. And you could override the `vfstab' location for solaris in the resource file.


How can I stop my FreeBSD system from running the `/etc/daily' script which mails me every single day, week and month?
Add an editfiles command

   { /etc/crontab
   HashCommentLinesContaining "daily"
   HashCommentLinesContaining "weekly"
   HashCommentLinesContaining "monthly"
Why don't filesystems get mounted in the freebsd version of cfengine?
Cfengine fixes the `/etc/fstab' file, but has to choose between one of two courses of action when mounting, owing to a bug in the mount command on FreeBSD machines. Cfengine mounts filesystems each time it runs. On all other supported systems this causes no problems,: once a filesystem is mounted it will not be mounted again. Under FreeBSD however, a filesystem gets mounted again each time mount is run, leading to multiple mount information in the mount table. This causes cfengine to warn the filesystem is mounted many times, and could eventually result in a problem for the FreeBSD machine. The policy is therefore to use mount options which do not cause this behaviour, but an unfortunate side-effect is that newly defined filesystems do not get mounted. You can override the mount options if you want to force multiple mounting.

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